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Our Dreamlike Packs



Dream traveler 

New Composition, with Shatavari, Ginkgo Biloba, etc ...: D
This pack brings together a fine selection of our Dream Plants & Dream Allies, enough to stimulate the mind far beyond the imagination ...
This pack brings clarity & lucidity day and night.
It opens the mind to wider horizons and
can transport the one who gives there on great journeys to the confines of Being ... 

Here is the current content:
  - 10g of Caléa Zacatechichi
  - 1 Entada Rheedii Seed
  - 1 sachet of Oniromix
  - 20g of Mexican Tarragon
  - 50g of Guayusa
  - 20g of Silene Capensis
  - 10g of Mukanya Kude
  - 10g of Uvuma Omhlope
Directions for use:
The Beings of the Plant People are very sensitive to the attention we pay them. So, if you use each of them with respect, love & gratitude for what they are, if you prepare them & consume them with great awareness & gentleness, if you try to connect with their Spirits, that is, this is how they will open up to you.
Thus treated, the Beings of the Plant People are happy to offer their true secrets.
  - Regarding Ubulawus (Silene Capensis, Mukanya Kude, Ubhubhubhu) the ideal is always to reserve 3 consecutive days in daily decoction, following your intuition to choose whether you prefer to discover one or several at a time. See the description of Ubulawus for more info!
  - Concerning Caléa Zacatechichi, Entada Rheedii & Oniromix: Rather intended to be smoked or preferably Vaporized, the rule of dream plants still applies, it is regular use over several consecutive days that opens wide the Doors of the Dream ... 
Thoroughly reduce Caléa & Oniromix to powder, do not over-dose, the final taste must be soft & sumptuous! (not to be used 'pure').
Entada Rheedii can also be infused.

(The oniromix contains Caléa, a powerful infusion but very bitter, it's up to you!).
  - Regarding Guayusa, Shatavari & Ginkgo Biloba:  It is in daily decoction that their properties will be revealed, the idea is to make them simmer for 30min a little each. For example, prepare yourself 0.5 to 1 liter of this drink and enjoy it throughout the day. It is also possible to add some solid spices to decoct to make the preparation tasty: Ginger, Cinnamon sticks, Nigella, Caraway, Cloves ...
  Repeat this every day for at least one to two weeks!
Filter, keep the plants thus filtered and reuse them the next day! 
It is good not to consume Guayusa every day, as it contains a high level of caffeine (2 out of 3 days max is a good ratio).
Stay open to anything possible, without assumptions about the effects you might feel, every day / night can bring new transformations. 

Of course, and most important, send all your love & gratitude to each of these plants: D

These products are not  not intended for self-medication.

❁ Caléa Zacatechichi
❁ Oniromix
❁ Ajo Sacha
❁ Entada Rheedii
❁ Guayusa
❁ Silene Capensis
❁ Mukanya Kude
❁ Uvuma Omhlope

Leaves, Roots, Seeds ...

In pieces,

powder, extract ...

Choice of Pack:

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